Diagnosing Hangings and Deadlocks in Multi-Node Multi-GPU Python Programs
While the methodologies found in this article were developed while working with multi-node multi-gpu pytorch-based training, they, of course, can help with any multi-process multi-node Python programs.
Helper tools
Try to use the following script torch-distributed-gpu-test.py to diagnose the situation.
This will help primarily with discovering network-related issues. And also to quickly understand how multi-gpu communications work.
For code-related issues read the rest of this document.
Approaches to diagnosing multi-gpu hanging / deadlocks
First do pip install py-spy
Now you can attach to each process with:
py-spy dump -n -p PID
and it will tell you where the process hangs (very often itâs a nccl collective function or a barrier
is the process id of the hanging python process.-n
is useful if you want to see stack traces from python extensions written in C, C++, etc., as the program may hang in one of the extensions- you may need to add
before the command - for more details see this note.
If you have no sudo
access your sysadmin might be able to perform this for you:
sudo echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
which will allow you running py-spy
(and strace
) without needing sudo
. Beware of the possible security implications - but typically if your compute node is inaccessible from the Internet itâs less likely to be a risk.
To make this change permanent edit /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
and set:
kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 0
Here is an example of py-spy dump
python stack trace:
Thread 835995 (active): "MainThread"
broadcast (torch/distributed/distributed_c10d.py:1191)
_aggregate_total_loss (deepspeed/runtime/pipe/engine.py:540)
train_batch (deepspeed/runtime/pipe/engine.py:330)
train_step (megatron/training.py:436)
train (megatron/training.py:851)
pretrain (megatron/training.py:187)
<module> (pretrain_gpt.py:239)
The very first line is where the program is stuck.
If the hanging happens inside a CPP extension, add --native
and itâll show the non-python code if any.
multi-process py-spy
Now, how do you do it for multiple processes. Doing it one-by-one is too slow. So letâs do it at once.
If the launch command was python
, what you do is:
pgrep -P $(pgrep -o python) | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}
if deepspeed
pgrep -P $(pgrep -o deepspeed) | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}
for accelerate
pgrep -P $(pgrep -o accelerate) | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}
you get the idea.
This particular approach will only analyse the main processes and not various other sub-processes/threads spawned by these processes. So if you have 8 gpus and 8 processes, the above will generate 8 stack traces.
If you want all processes and their subprocesses, then youâd just run:
pgrep -f python | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}
(and as before replace python
with the name of the launcher program if itâs not python
multi-node py-spy via srun
What if you have multiple nodes?
You can of course ssh
to each node interactively and dump the stack traces.
If youâre using the SLURM environment you can use srun
to do it on all nodes for you.
Now in another console get the SLURM_JOBID
(or get it from salloc
squeue -u `whoami` -o "%.16i %9P %26j %.8T %.10M %.8l %.6D %.20S %R"
Now use the following srun
command after adjusting jobid with SLURM_JOBID
from the outcome of the command above this sentence:
srun --jobid=2180718 --gres=gpu:0 --nodes=40 --tasks-per-node=1 --output=trace-%N.out sh -c 'ps aux | grep python | egrep -v "grep|srun" | grep `whoami` | awk "{print \$2}" | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --native --pid {}' || echo "failed"
Notes: - One must use --gres=gpu:0
for the monitor srun
or otherwise it will block until the main srun
(the one running the training) exits. - Each node will generate its unique log file named trace-nodename.out
- so this would help to identify which node(s) are problematic. You can remove --output=trace-%N.out
if you want it all being dumped to stdout - In some SLURM versions you may also need to add --overlap
- In some SLURM versions the jobid might not match that of reported in squeue
, so you have to get the correct SLURM_JOB_ID
from the logs of the job youâre trying to âattachâ to - i.e. your srun
job that allocated the GPUs. - Sometimes bash
doesnât work, but sh
does. I think it has to do with what dot files get source
d - You might need to also activate a custom python environment, which you can do like so:
srun --jobid=2180718 --gres=gpu:0 --nodes=40 --tasks-per-node=1 --output=trace-%N.out sh -c 'conda activate myenvname; ps auxc | ... ' || echo "failed"
or you can do it inside ~/.bashrc
or whatever shellâs rc file you decide to use.
As mentioned before if you want just the main processes youâd use this instead:
srun --jobid=2180718 --gres=gpu:0 --nodes=40 --tasks-per-node=1 --output=trace-%N.out sh -c 'pgrep -P $(pgrep -o python) | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}' || echo "failed"
Adjust python
if need be as explained in the multi-gpu section above.
The previous longer command will deliver traces for all python processes.
If youâre not getting anything, start with the basic debug like:
srun --jobid=2180718 --gres=gpu:0 --nodes=40 --tasks-per-node=1 --output=trace-%N.out sh -c 'date'
once you know youâre talking to all the nodes, then you can progressively unravel the depth of calls, as in:
srun --jobid=2180718 --gres=gpu:0 --nodes=40 --tasks-per-node=1 sh -c 'date'
srun --jobid=2180718 --gres=gpu:0 --nodes=40 --tasks-per-node=1 sh -c 'pgrep -o python'
srun --jobid=2180718 --gres=gpu:0 --nodes=40 --tasks-per-node=1 sh -c 'pgrep -P $(pgrep -o python) '
srun --jobid=2180718 --gres=gpu:0 --nodes=40 --tasks-per-node=1 sh -c 'pgrep -P $(pgrep -o python) | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}'
and at each stage check that the output makes sense - e.g. the 2nd and 3rd call you should be getting the PIDs of the processes.
multi-node py-spy via pdsh
seems to be a good easy tool to use to accomplish remote work on multiple nodes. Say, youâre running on 2 nodes with hostnames nodename-5
and nodename-8
, then you can quickly test that remote execution is working by getting the date
on all of these hosts with just:
$ PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh pdsh -w nodename-[5,8] "date"
nodename-5: Wed Oct 25 04:32:43 UTC 2023
nodename-8: Wed Oct 25 04:32:45 UTC 2023
footnote: pdsh
should be available via a normal OS package installer
Once you tested that date
works itâs time to move to py-spy
To do py-spy
on all python processes that are sub-processes, itâd be:
PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh pdsh -w nodename-[5,8] 'pgrep -P $(pgrep -o python) | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}'
but as youâre likely to need to have the ~/.bashrc
run, you will need to clone it into ~/.pdshrc
, reduce that clone to what is needed to be run (e.g. modify PATH
, activate conda
) and then source
it, like:
PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh pdsh -w nodename-[5,8] 'source ~/.pdshrc; pgrep -P $(pgrep -o python) | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}"'
The reason you need a startup script is because usually ~/.bashrc
starts with:
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) return;;
so when you run such non-interactive workflows Bash wonât process its ~/.bashrc
normally (exit early) and thus anything relying on this startup script wonât work. So you can either remove the non-interactive exiting code above or fork ~/.bashrc
into a startup file that only contains whatâs needed for the remote command to succeed.
footnote: there is nothing special about ~/.pdshrc
- any other name would do, since youâre manually source
ing it.
And if your system isnât setup to run py-spy
w/o sudo
as explained a few sections up, youâd need something like this:
PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh pdsh -w nodename-[5,8] 'sudo bash -c "source ~/.pdshrc; pgrep -P $(pgrep -o python) | xargs -I {} py-spy dump --pid {}"'
Of course, you may need to edit the pgrep
section to narrow down which processes you want to watch.
Additionally, to avoid being prompted with:
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
for every new node you havenât logged into yet, you can disable this check with:
echo "Host *" >> ~/.ssh/config
echo " StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> ~/.ssh/config
Here I assume youâre on an isolated cluster so you donât need to worry about security issues and thus bypassing such check is most likely OK.
multi-node py-spy via ds_ssh
This is yet another way, but please make sure to read the pdsh
section above first.
The following notes require pip install deepspeed
In one SLURM environment I also attempted using pdsh
via ds_ssh
, but somehow I wasnât able to run py-spy
remotely - the main issue was that remote ssh
command wasnât giving the same env as when I was logged in interactively via ssh
. But if you have sudo
access on the compute nodes then you could do:
First prepare hostfile
function makehostfile() {
perl -e '$slots=split /,/, $ENV{"SLURM_STEP_GPUS"};
$slots=8 if $slots==0; # workaround 8 gpu machines
@nodes = split /\n/, qx[scontrol show hostnames $ENV{"SLURM_JOB_NODELIST"}];
print map { "$_ slots=$slots\n" } @nodes'
makehostfile > hostfile
Adapt $slots
to the number of gpus per node. You may have to adapt this script if your scontrol
produces a different output.
Now run the py-spy
extraction command over all participating nodes:
ds_ssh -f hostfile "source ~/.pdshrc; ps aux | grep python | grep -v grep | grep `whoami` | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs -I {} sudo py-spy dump --pid {} "
Notes: - Put inside ~/.pdshrc
whatever init code that you may need to run. If you donât need any you can remove source ~/.pdshrc;
from the command line. - If you donât have it already ds_ssh
is installed when you do pip install deepspeed
. - you might need to export PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh
if you get rcmd: socket: Permission denied
Network-level hanging
The hanging could be happening at the network level. NCCL_DEBUG=INFO
can help here.
Run the script with NCCL_DEBUG=INFO
env var and try to study the outcome for obvious errors. It will tell you which device itâs using, e.g.:
DeepWhite:21288:21288 [0] NCCL INFO NET/Socket : Using [0]enp67s0:<0>
So itâs using interface enp67s0
Is your
firewalled? or is it somehow a misconfigured network device?
Does it work if you use a loopback device
NCCL_DEBUG=INFO NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=lo python -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node 4 --nnodes 1 torch-distributed-gpu-test.py
if not, see what other local network devices you have via ifconfig
- try that instead of lo
if any.
Itâs currently using enp67s0
in the above example.
Isolate problematic GPUs
You can also try to see if only some GPUs fail
For example, does it work if you use the first 2 or the last 2 gpus:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node 2 --nnodes 1 torch-distributed-gpu-test.py
then the 2nd pair:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3 python -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node 2 --nnodes 1 torch-distributed-gpu-test.py
python trace
Now what happens when the training doesnât just hang, but the hanging process stops responding? e.g. this happens when there is a serious hardware issue. But what if it is recurrent and py-spy
wonât help here, since it wonât be able to attach to a process that is not responding.
So next came the idea of tracing all calls like one does with strace(1)
, I researched python calls tracing facilities and have discovered that python has a trace
The following code will trace all python calls and log them to the console and into a dedicated per process log file, via a custom Tee
module I added.
This then can help to understand where some processes stopped responding, since we will have the log of the last call and all the previous calls before it went unresponsive.
$ cat train.py
def main():
# [...]
import re
class Tee:
A helper class to tee print's output into a file.
sys.stdout = Tee(filename)
def __init__(self, filename):
self.stdout = sys.stdout
self.file = open(filename, "a")
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.stdout, attr)
def write(self, msg):
def flush(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import trace
import socket
import os
# enable the trace
if 0:
cwd = os.path.realpath('.')
pid = os.getpid()
hostname = socket.gethostname()
local_rank = int(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"])
trace_output_file = f"{cwd}/trace-{hostname}-{local_rank}-{pid}.txt"
# create a Trace object, telling it what to ignore, and whether to
# do tracing or line-counting or both.
tracer = trace.Trace(
ignoredirs=[sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix],
# run the new command using the given tracer
sys.stdout = Tee(trace_output_file)
This code doesnât require any special handing other than enabling the trace by changing if 0
to if 1
If you donât set ignoredirs
, this will now dump all python calls. Which means expect a lot of GBs of data logged, especially if you have hundreds of GPUs.
Of course, you donât have to start tracing from main
- if you suspect a specific are you can start tracing there instead and itâll be much faster and less data to save.
I wish I could tell trace
which packages to follow, but alas it only supports dirs to ignore, which is much more difficult to set, and thus you end up with a lot more data than needrf. But still this is a super useful tool for debugging hanging processes.
Also, your code will now run much much slower and the more packages you trace the slower it will become.
As Trace
proved to provide very limited usability when debugging a complex multi-node multi-hour run crash, I have started on working on a better version of the trace
python module.
You can find it here: NicerTrace
I added multiple additional flags to the constructor and made the output much more useful. You fill find a full working example in that same file, just run:
python trace/NicerTrace.py
and you should see:
trace/NicerTrace.py:1 <module>
0:00:00 <string>: 1: trace/NicerTrace.py:185 main
0:00:00 NicerTrace.py: 186: img = Image.new("RGB", (4, 4))
PIL.Image:2896 new
0:00:00 Image.py: 2912: _check_size(size)
PIL.Image:2875 _check_size
0:00:00 Image.py: 2883: if not isinstance(size, (list, tuple)):
0:00:00 Image.py: 2886: if len(size) != 2:
0:00:00 Image.py: 2889: if size[0] < 0 or size[1] < 0:
as you will see in the example I set:
so itâll trace PIL
plus anything that is not under site-packages
. If you need to trace another package, just add it to that list.
This is a very fresh work-in-progress package, so itâs evolving as we are trying to make it help us resolve a very complex crashing situation.
Working with generated trace files
When the per-node-rank trace files has been generated the following might be helpful to quickly analyse the situation:
- grep for a specific match and also print the file and line number where it was found:
grep -n "backward" trace*
- show
tail -1
of all trace files followed by the name of each file:
find . -name "trace*" -exec sh -c 'echo "$1: $(tail -3 "$1")"' _ {} \;
- or similar to the above, but print 5 last lines with the leading filename and some vertical white space for an easier reading:
find . -name "trace*" -exec sh -c 'echo; echo $1; echo "$(tail -5 "$1")"' _ {} \;
- count how many times grep matched a given pattern in each ifle and print the matched file (in this example matching the pattern
find . -name "trace*" -exec sh -c 'echo "$1: $(grep "backward" $1 | wc -l)"' _ {} \;
good old print
Now once you discovered where the hanging happens to further understand why this is happening, a debugger would ideally be used, but more often than not debugging multi-process (multi-node) issues can be very difficult.
In such situations a good old print
works. You just need to add some debug prints before the calls where things hang, things that would help understand what lead to the deadlock. For example, some barrier
was missing and one or a few processes skipped some code and while the rest of processes are still blocking waiting for everybody to send some data (for example in NCCL collective functions like gather
or reduce
You of course, want to prefix each print with the rank of the process so that you could tell which is which. For example:
import torch.distributed as dist
print(f"{dist.get_rank()}: passed stage 0")
What you will quickly discover is that if you have multiple GPUs these prints will be badly interleaved and you will have a hard time making sense of the debug data. So letâs fix this. We are going to override print
with a custom version of the same, but which uses flock
to ensure that only one process can write to stdout at the same time.
The helper module printflock.py
is included here. To activate it just run this at the top of the module youâre debugging:
from printflock import printflock as print
and now all your print
calls in that module will magically be non-iterleaved. You can of course, just use printflock
from printflock import printflock
import torch.distributed as dist
f"{dist.get_rank()}: passed stage 0") printflock(
core files
If the hanging happens inside non-python code, and py-spy --native
isnât enough for some reason you can make the hanging program dump a core file, which is done with one of these approaches:
gcore <pid>
kill -ABRT <pid>
and then you can introspect the core file as explained here.
If you donât get the core file dumped you need to configure your system to allow so and also specify where the core files should be saved to.
To ensure the file is dumped in bash run (other shells may use a different command):
ulimit -c unlimited
To make this persistent run:
echo '* soft core unlimited' >> /etc/security/limits.conf
On some systems like Ubuntu the core files are hijacked by apport
, check the contents of /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
to see where they are sent. You can override where they are sent with:
sudo sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/tmp/core-%e.%p.%h.%t
Change the directory if you want to, but make sure that the user the program is running under can write to that directory. To make this change permanent edit /etc/sysctl.conf
and add kernel.core_pattern=/tmp/core-%e.%p.%h.%t
(or modify if itâs already there).
footnote: see man core
for all the different templates available
If on Ubuntu by default it sends core files to apport
, which may save the core to /var/lib/apport/coredump
or /var/crash
. But you can change it explained above.
A quick way to test if your setup can generate a core file is:
sleep 10 &
killall -SIGSEGV sleep
Normally SIGSEGV
isnât recommended for a real situation of diagnosing a hanging program, because SIGSEGV
is likely to launch a sighandler, but for this test itâs good enough.
Code loops
Code loops can be tricky to debug in hanging scenarios. If you have code like the following:
for i, d in enumerate(data):
itâs possible that one process hangs in the first iteration, and another process in the second iteration, which makes things very confusing. But the stack trace wonât give such indication, as the line numbers would be the same, even though the processes arenât in the same place code progression-wise.
In such situations unroll the loop to be:
d_iter = iter(data)
and now when you run py-spy
the line numbers will be correct. The processes hanging in the first iteration will report the first some_hanging_call
and those in the second iteration in the second call - as each now has its own line.
Hardware-specific issues
AMD/ROCm hangs or slow with IOMMU enabled
AMD Instinct users may need to either Disable IOMMU or set it to:
in /etc/default/grub
(the grub config file could be elsewhere depending on the OS).
Disabling is GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="amd_iommu=off"
author = {Bekman, Stas and Foreman, Sam},
title = {ML {Engineering}},
date = {2024-02-20},
url = {https://saforem2.github.io/ml-engineering},
langid = {en}