Troubleshooting NVIDIA GPUs
Xid Errors
No hardware is perfect, sometimes due to the manufacturing problems or due to tear and wear (especially because of exposure to high heat), GPUs are likely to encounter various hardware issues. A lot of these issues get corrected automatically without needing to really understand what’s going on. If the application continues running usually there is nothing to worry about. If the application crashes due to a hardware issue it’s important to understand why this is so and how to act on it.
A normal user who uses a handful of GPUs is likely to never need to understand GPU-related hardware issues, but if you come anywhere close to massive ML training where you are likely to use hundreds to thousands of GPUs it’s certain that you’d want to understand about different hardware issues.
In your system logs you are likely to see occasionally Xid Errors like:
NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:10:1c): 63, pid=1896, Row Remapper: New row marked for remapping, reset gpu to activate.
To get those logs one of the following ways should work:
sudo grep Xid /var/log/syslog
sudo dmesg -T | grep Xid
Typically, as long as the training doesn’t crash, these errors often indicate issues that automatically get corrected by the hardware.
The full list of Xid Errors and their interpretation can be found here.
You can run nvidia-smi -q
and see if there are any error counts reported. For example, in this case of Xid 63, you will see something like:
Timestamp : Wed Jun 7 19:32:16 2023
Driver Version : 510.73.08
CUDA Version : 11.6
Attached GPUs : 8
GPU 00000000:10:1C.0
Product Name : NVIDIA A100-SXM4-80GB
ECC Errors
SRAM Correctable : 0
SRAM Uncorrectable : 0
DRAM Correctable : 177
DRAM Uncorrectable : 0
SRAM Correctable : 0
SRAM Uncorrectable : 0
DRAM Correctable : 177
DRAM Uncorrectable : 0
Retired Pages
Single Bit ECC : N/A
Double Bit ECC : N/A
Pending Page Blacklist : N/A
Remapped Rows
Correctable Error : 1
Uncorrectable Error : 0
Pending : Yes
Remapping Failure Occurred : No
Bank Remap Availability Histogram
Max : 639 bank(s)
High : 1 bank(s)
Partial : 0 bank(s)
Low : 0 bank(s)
None : 0 bank(s)
Here we can see that Xid 63 corresponds to:
ECC page retirement or row remapping recording event
which may have 3 causes: HW Error / Driver Error / FrameBuffer (FB) Corruption
This error means that one of the memory rows is malfunctioning and that upon either reboot and/or a gpu reset one of the 640 spare memory rows (in A100) will be used to replace the bad row. Therefore we see in the report above that only 639 banks remain (out of 640).
The Volatile section of the ECC Errors
report above refers to the errors recorded since last reboot/GPU reset. The Aggregate section records the same error since the GPU was first used.
Now, there are 2 types of errors - Correctable and Uncorrectable. The correctable one is a Single Bit ECC Error (SBE) where despite memory being faulty the driver can still recover the correct value. The uncorrectable one is where more than one bit is faulty and it’s called Double Bit ECC Error (DBE). Typically, the driver will retire whole memory pages if 1 DBE or 2 SBE errors occur at the same memory address. For full information see this document
A correctable error will not impact the application, a non-correctable one will crash the application. The memory page containing the uncorrectable ECC error will be blacklisted and not accessible until the GPU is reset.
If there are page scheduled to be retired you will see something like this in the output of nvidia-smi -q
Retired pages
Single Bit ECC : 2
Double Bit ECC : 0
Pending Page Blacklist : Yes
Each retired page decreases the total memory available to applications. But each page is only 4MB large, so it doesn’t reduce the total available GPU memory by much.
To dive even deeper into the GPU debugging, please refer to this document - it includes a useful triage chart which helps to determine when to RMA GPUs. This document has additional information about Xid 63-like errors
For example it suggests:
If associated with XID 94, the application that encountered the error needs to be restarted. All other applications on the system can keep running as is until there is a convenient time to reboot for row remapping to activate. See below for guidelines on when to RMA GPUs based on row remapping failures.
If after a reboot the same condition occur for the same memory address, it means that memory remapping has failed and Xid 64 will be emitted again. If this continues it means you have a hardware issue that can’t be auto-corrected and the GPU needs to RMA’ed.
At other times you may get Xid 63 or 64 and the application will crash. Which usually will generate additional Xid errors, but most of the time it means that the error was uncorrectable (i.e. it was a DBE sort of an error and then it’ll be Xid 48).
As mentioned earlier to reset a GPU you can either simply reboot the machine, or run:
nvidia-smi -r -i gpu_id
where gpu_id
is the sequential number of the gpu you want to reset. Without -i
all GPUs will be reset.
Running diagnostics
If you suspect one or mode NVIDIA GPUs are broken on a given node, dcgmi
is a great tool to quickly find any bad GPUs.
NVIDIA® Data Center GPU Manager (DCGM) is documented here and can be downloaded from here.
Here is an example slurm script that will run very in-depth diagnostics (-r 3
), which will take about 10 minutes to complete on an 8-GPU node:
$ cat dcgmi-1n.slurm
#SBATCH --job-name=dcgmi-1n
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=96
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:8
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --output=%x-%j.out
set -x -e
echo "START TIME: $(date)"
srun --output=%x-%j-%N.out dcgmi diag -r 3
echo "END TIME: $(date)"
Now to run it on specific nodes of choice:
sbatch --nodelist=node-115 dcgmi-1n.slurm
sbatch --nodelist=node-151 dcgmi-1n.slurm
sbatch --nodelist=node-170 dcgmi-1n.slurm
edit the nodelist argument to point to the node name to run.
If the node is drained or downed and you can’t launch a slurm job using this node, just ssh into the node and run the command directly on the node:
dcgmi diag -r 3
If the diagnostics didn’t find any issue, but the application still fails to work, re-run the diagnostics with level 4, which will now take more than 1 hour to complete:
dcgmi diag -r 4
For example, if you run into a repeating Xid 64 error it’s likely that the diagnostics report will include:
| Diagnostic | Result |
|----- Deployment --------+------------------------------------------------|
| Error | GPU 3 has uncorrectable memory errors and row |
| | remappings are pending |
so you now know to RMA that problematic GPU, if remapping fails.
The dcgmi
tool contains various other levels of diagnostics, some of which complete in a matter of a few minutes and can be run as a quick diagnostic in the epilogue of SLURM jobs to ensure that the node is ready to work for the next SLURM job, rather than discovering that after the user started their job and it crashed.
When filing an RMA report you will be asked to run nvidia-bug-report
script, the output of which you will need to submit with the RMA request.
I usually save the log as well for posterity using one of:
dcgmi diag -r 3 | tee -a dcgmi-r3-`hostname`.txt
dcgmi diag -r 4 | tee -a dcgmi-r4-`hostname`.txt
How to detect if a node is missing GPUs
If you got a new VM, there are odd cases where there is less than expected number of GPUs. Here is how you can quickly test you have got 8 of them:
cat << 'EOT' >>
set -e
# test the node has 8 gpus
test $(nvidia-smi -q | grep UUID | wc -l) != 8 && echo "broken node: less than 8 gpus" && false
and then:
How to detect if you get the same broken node again and again
This is mostly relevant to cloud users who rent GPU nodes.
So you launched a new virtual machine and discovered it has one or more broken NVIDIA GPUs. You discarded it and launched a new and the GPUs are broken again.
Chances are that you’re getting the same node with the same broken GPUs. Here is how you can know that.
Before discarding the current node, run and log:
$ nvidia-smi -q | grep UUID
GPU UUID : GPU-2b416d09-4537-ecc1-54fd-c6c83a764be9
GPU UUID : GPU-0309d0d1-8620-43a3-83d2-95074e75ec9e
GPU UUID : GPU-4fa60d47-b408-6119-cf63-a1f12c6f7673
GPU UUID : GPU-fc069a82-26d4-4b9b-d826-018bc040c5a2
GPU UUID : GPU-187e8e75-34d1-f8c7-1708-4feb35482ae0
GPU UUID : GPU-43bfd251-aad8-6e5e-ee31-308e4292bef3
GPU UUID : GPU-213fa750-652a-6cf6-5295-26b38cb139fb
GPU UUID : GPU-52c408aa-3982-baa3-f83d-27d047dd7653
These UUIDs are unique to each GPU.
When you then re-created your VM, run this command again - if the UUIDs are the same - you know you have the same broken GPUs.
Sometimes just rebooting the node will get new hardware. In some situations you get new hardware on almost every reboot, in other situations this doesn’t happen. And this behavior may change from one provider to another.
If you keep on getting the same broken node - one trick to overcoming this is allocating a new VM, while holding the broken VM running and when the new VM is running - discarding the broken one. That way you will surely get new GPUs - except there is no guarantee they won’t be broken as well. If the use case fits consider getting a static cluster where it’s much easier to keep the good hardware.
This method is extra-crucial for when GPUs don’t fail right away but after some use so it is non-trivial to see that there is a problem. Even if you reported this node to the cloud provider the technician may not notice the problem right away and put the bad node back into circulation. So if you’re not using a static cluster and tend to get random VMs on demand you may want to keep a log of bad UUIDs and know you have got a lemon immediately and not 10 hours into the node’s use.
Cloud providers usually have a mechanism of reporting bad nodes. Therefore other than discarding a bad node, it’d help yourself and other users to report bad nodes. Since most of the time users just discard the bad nodes, the next user is going to get them. I have seen users getting a very high percentage of bad nodes in some situations.
author = {Bekman, Stas and Foreman, Sam},
title = {ML {Engineering}},
date = {2024-02-20},
url = {},
langid = {en}